“Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it” (George Santayana)
The statement above is very true. It is a fact that there are many things which ancients used to do which actually served for the betterment of the society as a whole. If we do not know our history then we surely cannot repeat the positives of that history. To know pre-history it is recommended that you should read books on the subject. Thankfully today we have various prehistoric exhibitions around world that can be visited by you to get the practical exposure of the ancient history. In this short discourse we will try to compare prehistoric life with modern life in different aspects.
If we try to compare modern man with ancient man in terms of senses, then we find out that, during ancient times, man’s senses were very much limited as far as experiencing the local surroundings and environment is concerned. Today in the modern age these limitations are totally non-existent.
Discussing all the aspects in this regard would not be possible however, as an example, let’s take the sense of hearing. Ancient man was not exposed to serious noises. His daily life was less noisy. The only thing unusual for him was the bursting of a volcano or the sound created by a waterfall. Modern man, with communication devices, industries and automobiles etc., is encompassed with all kinds of noises.
Ancient man was more governed by the realities that existed in nature. These realities can be hardly imagined by modern-day man. The only devices available to ancient man for knowing the time were water clocks and sundials etc. There were no mechanical clocks back then. The rhythms of different seasons actually dictated the timetables. A good example of this phenomenon is the religious events. Today we have calendars through which we know when a particular religious event is coming. Ancient people used to see the moon and stars to determine their religious gatherings and events.
For ancient people construction was not an easy thing to do however, still they have produced many marvels which even modern man could not build, despite their cutting edge technology and professional engineers. The only thing available to ancient man was a horse or an ox which was used for the carrying of different materials. The ability to move and lift was seriously limited. Today a single excavator can do work equivalent of a thousand men in ancient times..
The greatest difference between modern and ancient life exists in the domain of health. According to one historical record, three hundred thousand new-borns use to die in the glorified Roman Empire. The life expectancy rate in the early society was 25 years, however people who managed to make it in the adulthood used to pass the age of 70. Secondly, pre-historic people used to have different kinds of herbs that helped them in dealing with different health issues. Today we have machines from which you can even regulate the pumping of the heart.
By reading the above comparison you may be thinking that hardly any similarity exists between the modern and prehistoric age. Well, this perception is wrong, as there are many similarities that exist between modern and ancient life. You can learn about the similarities between ancient and modern life by clicking this link by list verse.